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The act of integrating sub-perceptual doses of mushrooms into your weekly routine for higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills.
These products are for individuals looking to improve their lives in the following ways: Increase focus and productivity

  • Increased positivity
  • Increased creativity
  • Decreased stress level
  • Assistance in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Assistance in dealing with prior trauma
  • Improve depression and anxiety
  • Increased clarity and improved thinking
  • Increased enjoyment of life
  • Improve thought patterns and ways of thinking
  • Increased empathy
  • Increased social behavior, such as becoming more conversational and outgoing
  • Increased physical performance and improved recovery time

A typical microdose of mushrooms is anywhere from .05g-.5g, all of our Microdoses fall within the realm of a “traditional microdose”.

The research suggests that there is no known exact formula for a microdosing weekly protocol. At MindfulMeds we have tested our products stringently in the Canadian marketplace using the Paul Stamets protocol which suggests 5 days on and 2 days off. This protocol blends perfectly with a typical work week, so building a routine seemed to be easily followed with this protocol. There is no “one size fits all” to microdosing, so we urge you to experiment to find what works best for you. By shifting your thought patterns into a positive state with microdosing, over time you will see profound benefits to your everyday life. At the end of the day, the only thing that truly matters in life is your state of mind.
First-time users may experience some slight anxiety so we recommend taking the product on a weekend or when you have a day off from typical responsibilities. It is important to understand how receptive your body is to microdosing and to give yourself time to understand how to use microdosing to improve your state of mind and optimize your life. Most users microdose regularly and experience significant benefits in their everyday lives. Your body will become accustomed to microdosing, so it is important to take days off and follow one of the standard microdosing protocols that have a track record of success.
Microdosing and more specifically, the use of mushrooms, has become more recognized as an important tool in dealing with mental health and improving oneself. While the benefits are clear, it is important to note that microdosing is not for everyone. Do your research (check out our Microdosing Guide) and consult your physician before combining or replacing your medication with our products as they can potentially counteract the intended effects of prescribed medication. If you have a family history of mental health problems, such as bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis, or other mental health problems, speak with your medical professional prior to using our products to see whether these products are suitable for you. In our experience, very few people have adverse reactions to microdosing, but it is important to ensure that our products are right and safe for you. If you are unsure, it is always a good practice to first discuss any proposed changes with your medical professional.
Absolutely, it is very safe to take multiples and often it can be necessary to do so. Just remember, the most important part of microdosing is to take breaks to reset your tolerance week over week.
While it is recommended that users keep to one of the recommended microdosing protocols– microdosing in itself is unique for each person. We recommend all beginners read our Microdosing Guide and follow a standard protocol to understand the tried and true methods that have seen results. However, as these products have many useful purposes, once users understand how these products can help them, they may create a different protocol works best for them. If you are looking for a simple answer, some people in our community have noticed a benefit from taking a dose in the morning (prior to breakfast) and their second dose prior to lunch to a full-day consistent experience.
Our Micro, Perform, Connect, Modern, and Synergy were designed for day-to-day functionality for the average consumer, and these products you are likely to NOT feel elevated states of euphoria or a “high” or “buzz”. However, there are several variables that contribute to this: your weight, metabolism, if you choose to eat food prior to your dose, and substance use can play a big role. If you are looking to feel these a little more, take them on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before a meal. All these products can be looked at in a similar way we look at vitamins. Our Inspire and Voyage are products meant for you to feel those slight states of euphoria. These products are for you if you are looking for a slightly elevated sensation. Some of our community noticed that after SSRI use (and other medications) that they need a stronger microdosing blend week over week and they find it highly effective. If you are new to these products, we always suggest building a relationship with them first, there is no harm in starting with a low dose and working your way up when you are ready
According to a 2019 survey-based study published in the Harm-Reduction-Journal, researchers found that microdosers experience a number of emotional, physical, and cognitive benefits. Emotionally, microdosers experienced an “improved outlook, appreciation of life, optimism, spiritual insights, and being more in touch with emotions.” Cognitively, microdosers reported improved “focus and concentration, conscious awareness, mindfulness, and increased engagement and attentiveness.” For more information on the science and benefits of microdosing download our Microdosing Guide

During the months of March and April 2020, MindfulMeds conducted a 7-week microdosing focus group involving 40 participants. The goal of the focus group was to measure the benefits
that MindfulMeds products proposed to achieve. The results were incredibly positive and the study can be accessed here.

Most likely the answer is no. Most drug tests do not test for the activeingredient(s) in our microdosing products. Please use your own discretion.

It is recommended that users take their microdosing product in the morning with breakfast, or 15-20 minutes beforehand. By taking the microdosing product in the morning, sleep difficulties are uncommon. Most mushrooms however are a stimulant so be cognisant of taking them later in the evening. We do not have a strict cut-off time for recommending our microdosing products. This is because there are many uses for these products, so it is important for users to understand how these products affect them and take the product accordingly.
The effects are often at the sub-perceptual level – meaning the effects are not always noticeable to the user. However, some users report the effects of microdosing lasting 4 to 8 hours or longer.
This depends on the user and their personal goals. Many report no adverse side-effects consuming moderate amounts of alcohol well after microdosing. It may be possible that the effects of alcohol may be more pronounced in some individuals while microdosing.
While the effects of microdosing are often sub-perceptual and not overtly noticeable, microdosing typically takes 20 minutes to 45 minutes to “kick in”.
Yes, but it is important to understand how these products affect you, so it is recommended to follow a recommended protocol and record/journal how microdosing is working for you over an extended period of time. This may help users determine if they require a stronger dose or if other adjustments to their dosing schedule may improve outcomes.

50mg is considered a very light microdose. It is not uncommon for users to require taking 100mg for 5 days continuously to see more benefits (and then taking a 2 day break to reset tolerances). This is considered the standard microdose.

We currently have products ranging from 50mg, 75mg, 100mg, 150mg, 250mg, and 350mg per capsule. Effective dosages are unique to your specific needs, metabolism, weight, and lifestyle habits. For increasing your dosages we always recommend keeping a journal to monitor your experience. You can find journaling examples in our Microdosing Guide.

No. The effects of “proper” microdosing do not appear to present addictive traits and may actually be anti-addictive. In fact, mushrooms are one the least harmful intoxicants in the world. However, even with small doses, a person may develop a tolerance to these substances (if they choose not to take any of the recommended breaks), leading them to increase their dose until it is a standard macrodose or more. We recommend always taking a 2-day break every week and a 2-4 week break every 4-8 weeks. This helps to ensure that user tolerances are reset and there is no need to continuously take higher doses.

No. Research suggests that with the toxicity levels found in mushrooms, it would take 3 kg of dried mushrooms taken by a person to be fatal.

Absolutely, in the best way possible! Microdosing in combination with the supplementary mushrooms (like our Functional Supplements) offered by MindfulMeds are designed to offer additional support with increased cognitive function and physical performance.

In short, we believe microdosing is potentially for everyone. Over the next several years this will be proven as more people find their way to these medicines. If you’re new here, be sure to read our Microdosing Guide to guide you through the process of education, preparation, and integration.
As microdosing involves taking a very small amount of mushrooms, negative effects are somewhat uncommon. Some people report slight stomach upset, but most people tolerate microdosing very well. We recommend that if you are new to microdosing, then start with a moderate dose of 50-100mg daily for 5 days followed by a 2-day break to reset tolerances. Then reassess if you would like to increase your dose on the next 5-day cycle. We also recommend keeping a journal which may help you track changes in your life and help you realize whether microdosing is right for you. For some, microdosing is not appropriate. Mushrooms may not be appropriate for those with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. If you are unsure whether you should try microdosing, we always recommend speaking with your medical professional to determine what is best for your individual health and wellness.
We always recommend starting your journey on a day when you have very few obligations to get a feel for the mushrooms. Our Micro, Perform, Connect, Modern, and Synergy were designed for everyday functionality. These products, once understood, can be used daily, and in almost every case you should be fully functional and able to operate a vehicle and work a 9-5 job. Our Inspire and Voyage are slightly stronger, and the only two products in our microdosing lineup that are meant for you to feel subtle states of euphoria. We do not recommend driving after taking these two products.
For people with a fully developed brain, age does not become a factor and these products can be widely used by most adults. The factors that make the most amount of difference when it comes to feeling these products include weight, metabolism, food consumption, alcohol tolerance, and liver function.
It is recommended that users take their microdose in the morning with or before breakfast.
Users should be cautious when traveling internationally as many countries restrict or prohibit certain substances.
Generally speaking, if you’ve applied the tactics in our Microdosing Guide and you are not consuming other substances (such as alcohol), changes should become noticeable in 1 to 3 weeks. Many feel the benefits almost immediately
Generally speaking, microdosing 50-100mg will not make most users feel differently at all. These dosage levels are considered to be sub-perceptual. At higher doses, such as at the 250-350+mg level, some users may feel a change in their perceptions. However, these are still considered to be microdoses and do not present the profound effects of taking a macrodose which would be 500mg at the very low end and 5000mg (5g) or more at the high end.
Many people believe that microdosing greatly increases their ability to be productive and happy workers. Others cite that microdosing gives them improved insight into their jobs or careers that can give them an advantage over their colleagues. However, if you are involved in a dangerous or stressful job, it is very important to begin microdosing when you are at home on a day off. This will allow you to understand how microdosing may affect you so you can make better decisions as to when you can gain the most advantage from microdosing.
Mushrooms are very rarely tested for typical drug testing. However, safety is incredibly important and new users should be extremely cautious. Our products can affect people very differently and a dose one person considers small may affect another person to a much greater level. We always recommend starting microdosing on a day when you can stay home and have very few obligations. This will hopefully allow you to understand how microdosing can affect you so you can make the best decision possible for your own life and circumstances.
Absolutely! Many professional athletes believe that microdosing can greatly improve their athletic performance. Others believe that microdosing can help them to train more effectively and to increase their results. Many boxers and UFC fighters believe that microdosing has given them an edge in their careers.
In this instance, we recommend our Inspire or Voyage blends as they provide an increased dose and are ideal for people dealing with a strong bout of anxiety, for example.
It is not believed that over-the-counter painkillers, such as Tylenol or Advil, are problematic with mushrooms. Taking more than the recommended daily amount of over-the-counter painkillers can be dangerous however, so it is very important to follow the product instructions.It is not believed that over-the-counter painkillers, such as Tylenol or Advil, are problematic with mushrooms. Taking more than the recommended daily amount of over-the-counter painkillers can be dangerous however, so it is very important to follow the product instructions.


The act of integrating sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics into your weekly routine for higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills.

These products are for individuals looking to improve their lives in the following ways:

  • Increase focus and productivity
  • Increased positivity
  • Increased creativity
  • Decreased stress level
  • Assistance in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Assistance in dealing with prior trauma
  • Improve depression and anxiety
  • Increased clarity and improved thinking
  • Increased enjoyment of life
  • Improve thought patterns and ways of thinking
  • Increased empathy
  • Increased social behavior, such as becoming more conversational and outgoing
  • Increased physical performance and improved recovery time

A typical micro dose of psilocybin is anywhere from .05g-.5g, all of our 6 signatures products fall within the realm of a “traditional micro dose”


The act of integrating sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics into your weekly routine for higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills.

These products are for individuals looking to improve their lives in the following ways:

  • Increase focus and productivity
  • Increased positivity
  • Increased creativity
  • Decreased stress level
  • Assistance in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Assistance in dealing with prior trauma
  • Improve depression and anxiety
  • Increased clarity and improved thinking
  • Increased enjoyment of life
  • Improve thought patterns and ways of thinking
  • Increased empathy
  • Increased social behavior, such as becoming more conversational and outgoing
  • Increased physical performance and improved recovery time

A typical micro dose of psilocybin is anywhere from .05g-.5g, all of our 6 signatures products fall within the realm of a “traditional micro dose”


The act of integrating sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics into your weekly routine for higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills.

These products are for individuals looking to improve their lives in the following ways:

  • Increase focus and productivity
  • Increased positivity
  • Increased creativity
  • Decreased stress level
  • Assistance in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Assistance in dealing with prior trauma
  • Improve depression and anxiety
  • Increased clarity and improved thinking
  • Increased enjoyment of life
  • Improve thought patterns and ways of thinking
  • Increased empathy
  • Increased social behavior, such as becoming more conversational and outgoing
  • Increased physical performance and improved recovery time

A typical micro dose of psilocybin is anywhere from .05g-.5g, all of our 6 signatures products fall within the realm of a “traditional micro dose”


The act of integrating sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics into your weekly routine for higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills.

These products are for individuals looking to improve their lives in the following ways:

  • Increase focus and productivity
  • Increased positivity
  • Increased creativity
  • Decreased stress level
  • Assistance in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Assistance in dealing with prior trauma
  • Improve depression and anxiety
  • Increased clarity and improved thinking
  • Increased enjoyment of life
  • Improve thought patterns and ways of thinking
  • Increased empathy
  • Increased social behavior, such as becoming more conversational and outgoing
  • Increased physical performance and improved recovery time

A typical micro dose of psilocybin is anywhere from .05g-.5g, all of our 6 signatures products fall within the realm of a “traditional micro dose”


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